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Delivery, Exchange, Return and Refund Policy

Zapei User Agreement, established at Av. Magalhaes Pinto, 45, Centro, registered under CNPJ number 12.435.488/0001-69, hereinafter referred to simply as CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTING PARTY will be identified by completing the service contracting form and accepting the terms of this instrument on our website.

The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that it has the legal capacity to contract the obligations contained in this contract. Therefore, people who do not have this capacity, including those under 14 years of age, cannot use them. 1 - OBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1 The services that constitute the object of this Contract consist of a set of tools, resources and web functionalities aimed at Communication through WhatsAppWeb, integrated in a System for the automatic online service of the contacts registered there by the CONTRACTING PARTY . The program is for companies that want to use WhatsApp as a communication and/or sales channel. Integration with WhatsApp allows the CONTRACTING PARTY to have several users logged in at the same time, who will be able to communicate with their contacts through a single WhatsApp number, and can also configure the robot to send programmed messages through a sequence previously configured by the CONTRACTOR.

The service will be performed in accordance with the System made available to the CONTRACTING PARTY by the CONTRACTED PARTY through the administrative panel where, in addition to viewing your communication flow, you will also be able to interact by responding to messages in real time. 1.2 The services of this CONTRACT, to be performed by the CONTRACTOR to the CONTRACTING PARTY, consider the plan selected in the service contracting form and have the following structure: Each plan, according to the specifications of the contracting form, entitles the creation of a certain amount of users linked to 01 (one) WhatsApp number. The server can be connected to one WhatsApp at a time, allowing the simultaneous use of these users. 1.3 If it is necessary to activate more numbers, these plans must be purchased separately. 1.4 If the user goes offline due to internet signal instability, the messages will be stopped in the sending queue. Once Zapei reconnects, the system will send all pending messages. 1.5 Zapei does not use the official WhatsApp API. 1.6 Zapei's momentary non-functioning may result from an update in our systems. In these cases, you should wait for more details or seek development support for information. In case of updating WhatsApp's own software, the system may experience instabilities until it is corrected, as long as it is possible. 1.7 We do not control and are not responsible for how our users use our services, resources, interfaces provided, nor the actions or information (including content) of our users or third parties, so the CONTRACTING PARTY exempts our team, employees, partners and representatives of all claims, demands, controversies, conflicts, indemnities, whether arising from these cases or against third parties. 2 - TERM OF THE CONTRACT 2.1

This contract will be valid MONTHLY/Annual, limited to the number of users and messages of the plan selected in the contracting form for the services on our website. 2.2

Late payment implies suspension of service after 48 hours from the due date. 3 -

CANCELLATION 3.1The service may be terminated within 7 calendar days or subject to a 10% FINEof the total value of the plan, without refunding the amounts already contracted, that is, there will be no fractioning of the contracted plan, with a minimum frequency of 12 months (1 year). Termination implies the loss of days paid up to the due date. 3.2 The service will be blocked if the CONTRACTING PARTY is in arrears for more than 48 hours, from the due date. 3.3 The contract may also be terminated if one of the parties fails to comply with the provisions of this instrument, and neither party shall be responsible for the payment of a termination fine, damages or any other type of civil compensation arising from the use of the service to the other . 4 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES

4.1 It is up to the CONTRACTED party: 4.1.1 To perform and fulfill the services selected in the contract form in accordance with the description of the PURPOSE OF THE CONTRACT; 4.1.2 Ensure the full performance of the service(s) contracted by the CONTRACTING PARTY. 4.1.3 Correct any bug or system failure at any time. 4.1.4 The CONTRACTED party reserves the right to delete any illicit file from the CONTRACTING PARTY's account, such as those mentioned in item 4.2.4, without any prior notice. 4.2 It is up to the CONTRACTING party: 4.2.1 Full responsibility for the misuse of the service. 4.2.3 Responsibility for the use and distribution of the password to access your account(s).

4.2.4 Do not include or distribute images, videos and other pornographic content or for illegal purposes in Brazil and in any other country. Once this situation is identified, Zapei will be able to permanently delete all registrations and user information. 4.2.5 Make available the cell phone containing the WhatsApp application connected to the internet, reading the QR Code available to access the system. 4.2.6. Responsibility for configuring the robot to send programmed messages through a sequence previously configured by the CONTRACTING PARTY. 4.2.7 If you want the integration of a third system with Zapei, it is the responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY to keep the integrated system online. 5 - UPDATES We do not guarantee that our services will be in operation, error-free, protected or safe and that our services will work without interruptions, delays or imperfections, so it is agreed between the parties that the CONTRACTOR may, without interference from the CONTRACTING PARTY, perform all changes that you recognize as necessary from one version of Zapei to another.

6 - SERVICE DELIVERY DEADLINE The service(s) will be performed after sending the service contracting form and accepting the terms of this instrument, with the availability of the Administrative Panel to configure the (s) contracted service(s). The availability will be made permanently for the duration of the contract, according to clause 2. 7 - OWNERSHIP The services developed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the CONTRACTED PARTY are the exclusive property of the CONTRACTED PARTY.

8 - SERVICE VALUES The Value(s) are published in the contract form on our website: The amount to be paid by the CONTRACTING PARTY will be equivalent to the service(s) selected in the form and described in the payment details. 9 – GENERAL CONDITIONS 9.1 The CONTRACTING PARTY authorizes the use of its name by the CONTRACTED PARTY, which may present it as its client in advertisements.

9.2 Zapei is a service developed primarily for the automatic response of communication initiated by third parties. Therefore, if there are complaints, for sending messages to people who have not asked to receive their content (SPAM), WhatsApp may categorize the CONTRACTING PARTY's access as spam, and banning may occur. 9.3 The CONTRACTING PARTY can be banned / blocked by WhatsApp if it does not respect the rules for approving the content sent, which are very strict, and the non-compliance with the terms provided by WhatsApp Inc. may matter in blocking the number. The responsibility for banning on WhatsApp in case of violation of the rules for using the application is exclusive to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

10 - JURISDICTION The parties elect to settle any claims arising from this contract, waiving any other, however privileged it may be, the Central Forum of the District of Coronel Fabriciano - MG. Valid from the date of submission of the service contracting form and acceptance of the terms of this instrument.

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